时间(Time):2024-06-28 09:00 - 12:00
地点(Room):四层会议室1-2(Room 1-2, 4F)
专业方向:GH0701公共交通线网规划 GH0702TOD一体化规划 GH0703公共交通运营管理 GH0704公共交通数字化转型
议题概述/Topic Overview
The conference on the Coordinated Development of Public Transportation and Urban Space revolves around cutting-edge technologies and the future of transit systems. Research areas encompass, but are not limited to, public transit network planning, integrated Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) planning, public transit operations management, and the digital transformation of public transportation. Discussions aim to achieve the coordinated development of public transit systems and urban spaces, shaping a more livable urban residential environment.
1 Introduction to the Conference Background and Topics
2 Discussion on the Coordinated Development of Public Transportation and Urban Space (including public transit network planning, integrated Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) planning, public transit operations management, and the digital transformation of public transportation)
3 Conference Summary
陈艳艳 北京工业大学 院长/教授
Yanyan Chen, Dean/Professor, Beijing University of Technology

陈旭梅, 北京交通大学, 教授
Xumei CHEN, Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University
伍速锋, 中国城市规划设计研究院, 教授级高级工程师
Sufeng Wu, Professor of Engineering, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design
邓亚娟, 长安大学, 教授
Yajuan DENG, Professor, Changan University
窦雪萍, 北京工业大学, 副教授
Xueping DOU, Associate Professor, Beijing University of Technology
朱琳, 上海工程技术大学, 副教授
Lin ZHU, Associate professor, Shanghai University of Engineering Science
孙世超, 大连海事大学, 副教授
Shichao SUN, Associate professor, Dalian Maritime University
崔梦莹, 长安大学, 副教授
Mengying CUI, Associate Professor, Changan University