时间(Time):2024-06-28 16:15 - 17:45
地点(Room):四层会议室1-2(Room 1-2, 4F)
议题概述/Topic Overview
Promoting integration of smart highways, intelligent connected vehicles, and modern communication, with vehicle-road-cloud collaboration as the main technical feature, is one of the key projects in current technological innovation and an important breakthrough in solving road traffic problems. This seminar focuses on the key technologies and application scenarios of vehicle-road-cloud integration, including but not limited to collaborative perception, collaborative planning and decision-making, collaborative control, and innovative applications of artificial intelligence, in order to assist in the construction of vehicle-road-cloud integrated system.
议程1:会议背景及议题介绍 议程2:协同技术研讨 议程3:应用场景研讨 议程4:会议总结
Agenda 1: Background and Topic Introduction Agenda 2: Collaborative Technology Discussion Session Agenda 3: Application Scenarios Discussion Session Agenda 4: Summary
芮一康 东南大学 副研究员
Yikang Rui, Associate Professor, Southeast University

蓝金辉, 北京科技大学, 教授
Jinhui Lan, professor, Beijing University of Science and Technology
景鹏, 江苏大学, 教授
Peng Jing, professor, Jiangsu University
杨达, 西南交通大学, 教授
Yang Da, professor, Southwest Jiaotong University
李锐, 河海大学, 副院长
Li Rui, Vice Dean, Hohai University
陈志军, 武汉理工大学, 研究员
Zhijun Chen, professor, Wuhan University of Technology
李海舰, 北京工业大学, 教授
Haijian Li, professor, Beijing University of Technology
李深, 清华大学, 副教授
Shen Li, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University
郑元, 东南大学, 讲师
Yuan Zheng, Lecturer, Southeast University
李林恒, 东南大学, 博士后
Linheng Li, Postdoctoral fellow, Southeast University
汪道歌, 江苏大学, 讲师
Wang Daoge, Lecturer, Jiangsu university
陈琨, 交通运输部规划研究院, 副所长
Chen Kun, Deputy Director, Transport Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport
栗剑, 山东高速集团, 副部长
Li Jian, Vice Minister, Shandong Hi-speed Group
张艳, 中国公路工程咨询集团有限公司, 总工程师
Zhang Yan, Chief Engineer, China Highway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd
朱晓东, 中交投资有限公司, 经理
Zhu Xiaodong, manager, China Communications Investment Co., Ltd