
The name of the publication: Chinese Urban Intersection Efficiency Report Release Conference

发布时间 / Release Time2024 年 6 月 28 日 10:30-11:00 / Jun. 28, 2024, 10:30-11:00

发布地点 / Release Place成果发布区 / Achievement Release Area


发布议程 / Release Agenda

10:30- 领导致辞

Speech by leaders

10:35- 中国城市道路交叉口效能报告

Chinese Urban Intersection Efficiency Report


The Report on the Efficiency Index of Urban Road Intersections in China is released.


主要内容和创新点 / Main Contents And Innovations

旨在全面评估中国城市道路交叉口的运行效能(效率与能力),通过一套科学合理的效能评价体系,为城市道路交通精细化规划、设计与管理提供决策支持。交叉口作为城市道路交通网络的“咽喉”,其效能直接影响到整个交通系统的通畅性、安全性及能耗与排放。研究表明 70% 以上的交叉口其资源尚未能有效利用,因此全面提升城市道路交叉口交通效能已是“天大的小事”。中国城市道路交通已经进入新质发展阶段,为了科学、高效能、高质量、精细化、精准化优化改善城市道路交叉口,特发布《中国城市道路交叉口效能报告》,详细地阐述效能指数的构建原则、计算方法、评价标准及实际应用案例,以期促进我国城市道路交叉口设施与管理


Aimed at comprehensively evaluating the operational efficiency (efficiency and capacity) of urban road intersections in China, a scientific and rational performance evaluation system is used to provide decision support for refined planning, design, and management of urban road traffic. As the 'throat' of the urban road traffic network, the performance of intersections directly affects the fluency, safety, and energy consumption and emissions of the entire traffic system. Studies show that more than 70% of intersections have not yet made effective use of their resources, thus comprehensively improving the traffic performance of urban road intersections is a 'matter of great importance'. Chinese urban road traffic has entered a new stage of qualitative development. In order to scientifically, efficiently, and with high quality, refine and optimize urban road intersections, the 'China Urban Road Intersection Performance Report' is specially released. It elaborates on the principles of constructing performance indices, calculation methods, evaluation standards, and practical application cases, in the hope of promoting the comprehensive improvement of facilities and management of urban road intersections in China and their intelligent development.