
The name of the publication: Release of UAV bridge intelligent detection system based on autonomous navigation and positioning technology


发布时间 / Release Time2024 年 6 月 28 日 9:00-9:30 / Jun. 28, 2024, 9:00-9:30

发布地点 / Release Place成果发布区 / Achievement Release Area


发布议程 / Release Agenda

09:00- 开幕致辞 公司简介

Opening speech Company profile

09:03- 无人机检测技术发展回顾与展望

Retrospect and prospect of UAV inspection technology development

09:08- 核心技术 1:无人机自主导航定位技术

Core technology 1: UAV autonomous navigation and positioning technology

09:12- 核心技术 2:病害图像采集及精准定位、识别技术

Core technology 2: Disease image acquisition, precise positioning, and recognition technology

09:15- 核心技术 3:自主巡航技术与三维数字孪生建模

Core technology 3: Autonomous cruise technology and 3D digital twin modeling

09:18- 凌志 1.0 无人机(产品发布)

Lingzhi 1.0 UAV (product launch)

09:22- 凌志 2.0 无人机(产品发布)

Lingzhi 2.0 UAV (product launch)


主要内容和创新点 / Main Contents And Innovations


Addressing the practical needs of intelligent maintenance, China Railway Changjiang Design and Testing Co., Ltd. has jointly developed and launched the Lingzhi series of intelligent inspection systems for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This system is the industry’s first comprehensive intelligent technology solution that utilizes autonomous navigation and positioning technology to simultaneously achieve data acquisition, disease detection, 3D mapping, parameter quantification, disease localization, and model analysis. It can meet the requirements of true engineering inspection applications. The system boasts advantages such as high flight stability, high degree of intelligence, high accuracy of damage recognition, high operational efficiency, and low operating costs. It can be widely applied in specialized fields such as bridge inspection, road asset inspection, and slope patrol.