
The name of the publication: The standard release conference for "Guangxi Highway Engineering Measurement and Payment Management Specification"


发布时间 / Release Time2024 年 6 月 27 日 16:30-17:00 / Jun. 27, 2024, 16:30-17:00

发布地点 / Release Place成果发布区 / Achievement Release Area


发布议程 /Release Agenda

主持人:戴宽刚 广西公路副理事长兼秘书长、专家委员会副主任

Host: Dai Kuangang, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Guangxi Highway, and Deputy Director of the Expert Committee

16:30-16:35 主持人开场

Host opening

16:35-16:45 计支宝介绍标准编写背景及意义

Background and significance of standard writing for Jizhibao introduction

16:45-16:50 标准启动仪式

Standard Launch Ceremony

16:50-17:00 应用案例成果分享

Sharing of application case results


主要内容和创新点 /Main Contents And Innovations



With the steady progress of China's infrastructure construction and transportation power, the "Guangxi Highway Engineering Measurement and Payment Management Specification" edited by Changsha Jizhibao Information Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the contents of the bill of quantities, contract cost clauses, construction drawing accounting, engineering changes, adjustments, claims, and other related content. At the same time, the corresponding reports have been standardized and unified, aiming to guide and regulate the phenomenon of over counting, omission, and re counting in the traditional highway engineering measurement and payment process, strengthen investment control and cost management of highway engineering projects, and help the high-quality development of highway engineering construction. Contribute to the comprehensive construction of a strong transportation country.