发布名称:振动搅拌助力品质工程建设暨第二代水泥稳定碎石振动搅拌主机、UHPC 专用双卧轴振动搅拌机成果发布

The name of the publication: Vibration mixing promotes construction with high quality:The updated

vibratary mixer for cement stabilized macadam & The vibratary twin-horizontal-shaft mixer for UHPC


发布时间 / Release Time:2024 年 6 月 27 日 15:00-15:30 / Jun. 27, 2024, 15:00-15:30

发布地点 / Release Place:成果发布区 / Achievement Release Area


发布议程 /Release Agenda

主持人:张良奇 德通智能科技股份有限公司 董事长

Moderator:Zhang Liangqi,The leaders of Detong Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.

15:00- 主持人开场

Host opening

15:05- 企业介绍宣传片 - 德通智能科技股份有限公司

Enterprise introduction video -Detong Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.

15:10- 产品介绍 - 第二代水泥稳定碎石振动搅拌主机、UHPC 专用双卧轴振动搅拌机 Product Introduction-The updated vibratary mixer for cement stabilized macadam & The vibratary twin-horizontal-shaft mixer for UHPC

15:25- 提问互动环节

Questioning interaction


主要内容和创新点 /Main Contents And Innovations

德通智能科技股份有限公司是高新技术企业,国家工信部重点支持的专精特新“小巨人”企业,基于振动搅拌专利技术和 5G 工业互联网关键技术,专业从事新型搅拌装备及高性能混凝土、固废资源再生、UHPC 装配式建筑等应用技术研究和推广,提供绿色化、数字化、智能化搅拌技术,工程耐久性提升整体解决方案和多功能搅拌工厂设计、制造、销售、安装一站式服务。德通振动搅拌技术是一种新型混凝土搅拌技术,它实现了混凝土搅拌效果和质量的提升。振动搅拌机在普通搅拌机所具有的宏观对流运动的基础上,创新性的采用振动和搅拌一体化技术,在搅拌的同时加以高频振动,使水泥颗粒处于颤动状态,从而破坏水泥凝聚团,使水泥颗粒均匀分布,达到混凝土在宏观与微观上的匀质。 经实验研究和工程实践表明,振动搅拌能缩短搅拌时间 20%,节约水泥用量 5% 以上,还可以提高混凝土强度 8% 以上,明显提升混凝土基础设施工程建设的耐久性。

Detong Technology Ltd is a high-tech enterprise based on the patented vibration mixing technology and 5G industrial Internet key technology,Supported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.DTG specializes in the research and promotion of new mixing equipment and high performance concrete,solid waste resource recycling, UHPC assembly building and other application technologies, and provides one-stop services of green ,digital and intelligent mixing technology ,overall solutions for engineering durability enhancement ,and multifunctional mixing plant design ,manufacturing, sales and installation.

Vibration Mixing Technology

  • Vibration and Stirring Technology

  • Adopting the integrated design of vibratory and mixing, releasing high frequency vibratory while mixing.

  • The vibratory can break the cement agglomeration and make the concrete more homogeneous.

  • Shorten the mixing time by 20%

  • Saving cement consumption by more than 5%

  • Increase concrete strength by more than 8%

  • Improve the durability of concrete infrastructure construction