
The name of the publication: Release of Innovative Technology Products for Intelligent Detection and Maintenance of Transportation Infrastructure


发布时间 / Release Time: 2024 年 6 月 27 日 11:15-11:45 / Jun. 27, 2024, 11:15-11:45

发布地点 / Release Place: 成果发布区 / Achievement Release Area


发布议程 /Release Agenda

11:15- 瑞雷波探测软黏土包技术

Rayleigh wave detection technology for soft clay pocket

11:21- 斜拉索智能载人检修车

Intelligent manned maintenance vehicle for stay cables

11:27- 长寿命 - 智能化 - 多功能平行钢丝斜拉索(LIM-cable)

long life-intelligence-multifunctional parallel wire stay cable(LIM-cable)

11:33- 桥梁智能拆除技术与装备

Intelligent bridge demolition technology and equipment

11:39- 稳定土挤压固化预制桩

Stabilized soil extrusion solidified precast piles


主要内容和创新点 /Main Contents And Innovations

筑基致远,科创未来。中交二航局建筑科技有限公司致力于推进交通基础设施智慧检测与养护原创技术策源地建设,打造了一批“检测监控、设计咨询、加固与养护、岩土与环保”一体化智能特种产品:采用双通道瑞雷波法探测定位饱和吹填砂土中软黏土包的方法,形成可视化相速度热图直观反映场地软黏土包分布情况;研发的 LIM 索,具有长寿命(理论寿命> 100 年),智能化、多功能(防腐减振等)特点;研发斜拉索智能载人检修车,为拉索载人检修提供了安全可靠的智能载人平台;研发“双向平移 - 连续下放 - 车载转运”移除技术及配套智能装备,实现复杂和特殊桥梁的智能、绿色拆除;研发稳定土挤压固化预制桩,形成一整套预制土桩设计及现场施工控制标准。

Lay the foundation for a brighter future with science and technology. CCCC SHEC Construction Technology Branch Company is dedicated to advancing the creation of original technology for intelligent inspection and maintenance of transportation infrastructure, developing several intelligent specialized products that integrate “inspection and monitoring, design consulting, reinforcement and maintenance, and geotechnical and environmental protection.” These include the dual-channel Rayleigh wave method for detecting and locating soft clay pockets in saturated dredger fill sand, which creates a visual phase velocity heatmap to clearly show the on-site distribution of soft clay; the intelligent manned maintenance vehicle for stay cables, providing a safe and reliable platform for manned maintenance; the LIM cable, known for its long lifespan (theoretical lifespan > 100 years), intelligence, and multifunctionality (including corrosion prevention and vibration reduction); the development of technology and smart equipment for “bi- directional translation-continuous lowering-vehicle-mounted transfer” to enable intelligent, eco-friendly demolition of complex and special bridges; and the research and development of stabilized soil extruding solidification precast piles, establishing a complete set of design and on-site construction control standards for precast soil piles.