发布名称:“交通建设项目工程数量贯通管理数字化解决方案” 发布会
The name of the publication:"Digital Solution for Quantity Management of Transportation Construction Projects" Press Conference
发布时间 / Release Time:2023 年 6 月 15 日 10:30- 11:00 / Jun.15,2023,10:30- 11:00
发布地点 / Release Place:成果发布区 / Achievement Release Area
发布议程 /Release Agenda
主持人:刘传雷 中国公路学会 副秘书长
Moderator:ChuanLei Liu,Deputy Secretary of China Highway & Transportation Society
10:30- 主持人介绍参会嘉宾并启动签约仪式
Introduction of presented guests and initiation of the signing ceremony
10:32- 北京梦诚科技有限公司总经理杨万勇致辞
Speech of General Manager from Beijing MC Technology Co., Ltd
10:36- 中国公路学会副理事长兼秘书长、国际道路联合会副主席刘文杰致辞
Speech of Vice Director-General and Secretary-General of China Highway&Transportation Society, Vice Chairman of International Road Federation
10:40- 签约仪式
The Signing Ceremony
发言人:赵齐乐 北京梦诚科技有限公司 工程量管理数字化研究院总经理
"Traffic construction project volume through management digital solution" series product release ceremony
Speech given by:Qile Zhao,General Manager of Digital Research Institute for Quantity Management in Engineering of Beijing MC Technology Co., Ltd
10:58- 合影留念
Photo Session
主要内容和创新点 /Main Contents And Innovations
为推动交通建设领域数字化发展,充分发挥中国公路学会的行业平台优势和北京梦诚科技有限公司的专业业务优势,双方本着“持续为交通建设做贡献”的理念,建立长期的战略合作伙伴关系,特签订战略合作伙伴框架协议。梦诚科技聚焦交通建设领域,以工程数量为核心,持续为业主、企业、项目提供能够降本增效的数字化解决方案,使得各个环节从业者工作轻松、管理高效、决策透明,进而实现交通建设领域数字化转型,实现交通强国, 实现伟大的中国梦!
In order to promote the digital development in the field of traffic construction, give full play to the industry platform advantages of the China Highway & Transportation Society and the professional advantages of Beijing MC Technology Co., Ltd,.The two parties signed a strategic partnership framework agreement based on the concept of "continuing to contribute to the construction of transportation" and established a long-term strategic partnership.
Beijing MC Technology Co., Ltd, focuses on the business in the field of transportation construction with the number of projects as the core, and continues to provide owners, enterprises and projects with digital solutions that can reduce costs and improve efficiency, which lessens the work burden and leads to efficient management, transparent.