时间(Time):2024-06-29 10:45 - 12:15
地点(Room):二层204(Room 204, 2F)
议题概述/Topic Overview
The construction, operation and maintenance of road infrastructure require a large amount of raw materials and energy, and its carbon reduction technology directly affects the realization of the dual-carbon goal in the field of transportation. At present, the green and low-carbon development of road infrastructure has formed a variety of solutions such as high-content RAP regeneration and solid waste resource utilization.
This interest conference intends to introduce the low-carbon research directions of various road infrastructure materials and structures, demonstrate that road traffic infrastructure can be used as an effective measure to achieve the dual-carbon goal, and jointly discuss the frontier issues of scientific and technological innovation and sustainable development in the field of transportation infrastructure.
Agenda 1: Background and topic introduction;
Agenda 2: Business managers introduce the actual work pain points and needs;
Agenda 3: Presentations by researchers in various fields on relevant progress and results achieved;
Agenda 4: Communication and discussion;
Agenda 5: Summary of the meeting.
屈鑫 长安大学 副教授
QU Xin, Associate Professor, Chang'an University


李超, 内蒙古工业大学, 道路与交通工程系主任,教授
LI Chao, Director of Department of Road and Traffic Engineering,Professor, Inner Mongolia University of Technology
龚明辉, 江苏苏博特新材料股份有限公司, 苏博特集团交通材料子公司 副总经理
GONG Minghui, Deputy General Manager of Transportation Materials Subsidiary, Sobute New Materials Co., Ltd
张吉哲, 山东大学, 副教授
ZHANG Jizhe, Associate Professor, Shandong University
丁勇杰, 北京工业大学, 教授
DING Yongjie, Professor, Beijing University of Technology
周涛, 哈尔滨工业大学, 助理教授
ZHOU Tao, Assistant Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
柳力, 长沙理工大学, 副教授
LIU Li, Associate Professor, Changsha University of Science & Technology
高俊锋, 重庆交通大学, 副教授
GAO Junfeng, Associate Professor, Chongqing Jiaotong University
吕正龙, 苏交科集团股份有限公司, 副主任工程师
LV Zhenglong, Deputy Principal Engineer, JSTI GROUP
高杰, 华东交通大学, 副教授
GAO Jie, Associate Professor, East China Jiaotong University
加入会议成员/Enrolled Members
魏奎玲 彭超