时间(Time):2024-06-29 09:00 - 10:30
地点(Room):二层204(Room 204, 2F)
议题概述/Topic Overview
The key to the construction and maintenance of green roads lies in the greening of road engineering materials. Bio-based materials are materials obtained using biomass as raw materials or (and) through biological manufacturing, which are green, environmentally friendly, renewable and biodegradable. In recent years, the research and practice of bio-based materials in road engineering have become a hot topic. However, bio-based materials are restricted by their large-scale application in road engineering due to their different raw material sources, wide varieties and different properties. This topic focuses on these contents, aiming to inspire innovation, build consensus, and promote the development of green roads.
Session 1: Introduction of background and topics (5 minutes)
Session 2: Discussion (80 minutes)
Session 3: Summary and acknowledgment (5 minutes)
高俊锋 重庆交通大学 副主任
Gao Junfeng, Vice Director, Chongqing Jiaotong University


于静, 长沙理工大学, 讲师
Yu Jing, Assistant Professor, Changsha University of Science & Technology
万铜铜, 华东交通大学, 讲师
Wan Tongtong, Assistant Professor, East China Jiaotong University
凡涛涛, 石家庄铁道大学, 讲师
Fan Taotao, Assistant Professor, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University
王家庆, 南京林业大学, 副教授
Wang Jiaqing, Associate Professor, Nanjing Forestry University
王嘉宇, 成都大学, 特聘副研究员
Wang Jiayu, Associate Professor, Chengdu University
许竞, 华东交通大学, 副教授
Xu Jing, Associate Professor, East China Jiaotong University
李艺铭, 东北林业大学, 副教授
Li Yiming, Associate Professor, Northeast Forestry University
张然, 北京建筑大学, 副教授
Zhang Ran, Associate Professor, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
周涛, 哈尔滨工业大学, 助理教授
Zhou Tao, Assistant Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
周波超, 北京工业大学, 讲师
Zhou Bochao, Assistant Professor, Beijing University of Technology
郑玉龙, 江苏大学, 教授
Zheng Yulong, Professor, Jiangsu University
屈鑫, 长安大学, 副教授
Qu Xin, Associate Professor, Chang'an University
徐宁, 重庆交通大学, 讲师
Xu Ning, Assistant professor, Chongqing Jiaotong University
葛冬冬, 长沙理工大学, 特聘教授
Ge Dongdong, Professor, Changsha University of Science & Technology
雷勇, 三峡大学, 讲师
Lei Yong, Assistant Professor, China Three Gorges University
加入会议成员/Enrolled Members
魏奎玲 程承 彭超 吴佳君 魏方震