时间(Time):2024-06-27 14:30 - 16:00
地点(Room):四层会议室1-2(Room 1-2, 4F)
专业方向:GH0201出行行为调查与分析 GH0202交通行为实验设计与仿真 GH0203交通行为建模与交通政策分析 GH0204交通行为优化与决策 GH0205智能网联交通行为分析与管理
议题概述/Topic Overview
Traffic Behaviour Analysis and Modelling Research Gains Increasing Attention in the Era of Traffic Numerical Intelligence With the continuous advancement of technology, traffic numerical intelligence will become an important means to improve traffic efficiency and optimize traffic management. It is necessary to focus on the accuracy and real-time nature of the data to reveal the intrinsic laws and characteristics of traffic behaviour. At the same time, when constructing traffic behaviour models, it is necessary to comprehensively consider a variety of factors, such as the traffic environment, individual differences, etc., in order to improve the prediction accuracy and applicability of the models. This workshop will have an in-depth discussion on the core topics of traffic big data acquisition and processing, traffic behaviour feature recognition and analysis, as well as the construction and optimization of traffic behaviour models, and strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation and promote collaborative and innovative research. It is expected that the exchanges and learning from this workshop will strongly promote the development of the field of traffic digital intelligence, and provide strong support for the construction of a safe, efficient and green transport system.
 议程1:主持人致辞与委员介绍及会议议程介绍 议程2:会议主题讨论 1. 钟绍鹏教授做交流 2. 李海舰教授做交流 3. 刘莎莎教授做交流 4. 丁川教授做交流 议程3:圆桌研讨 议程4:结束辞
 Agenda 1: Address by the Moderator and Introduction of Members and Agenda of the Meeting Agenda 2: Theme Discussion1. Presentation by Prof Zhong Shaopeng 2. Presentation by Prof Li Haijian 3. Presentation by Prof Liu Shasha 4. Presentation by Prof Ding Chuan Agenda 3: Roundtable Discussion Agenda 4: Closing Remarks
王雅璨 北京交通大学 教授,学部主席
Yacan WANG, Professor, Division Chair, Beijing Jiaotong University

周辉宇, 北京交通大学, 教授
Zhou Huiyu, Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University
李海舰, 北京工业大学, 教授,技术委员会主席
Li Haijian, Professor,Chair of the Technical Committee, Beijing University of Technology
钟绍鹏, 大连理工大学, 教授,技术委员会主席
Zhong Shaopeng, Professor,Chair of the Technical Committee, Dalian University of Technology
丁川, 北京航空航天大学, 副教授,技术委员会主席
Ding Chuan, Associate Professor,Chair of the Technical Committee, Beihang University
刘莎莎, 北京交通大学, 副教授,技术委员会主席
Liu Shasha, Associate Professor,Chair of the Technical Committee, Beijing Jiaotong University
唐伊丽, 加拿大西安大略大学, 双聘助理教授,技术委员会主席
Tang Yili, Joint Assistant Professor,Chair of the Technical Committee, University of Western Ontario
姜宇, 英国兰卡斯特大学, 副教授,技术委员会联合主席
Jiang Yu, Associate Professor,Co-Chair of the Technical Committee, Lancaster University