时间(Time):2024-06-27 14:30 - 17:30
地点(Room):四层会议室1-1(Room 1-1, 4F)
议题概述/Topic Overview
Reviewing the history of road engineering, it is essentially a chronicle of utilizing, manufacturing, and creating materials. Road engineering materials have become milestones in the technological progress of road engineering. Asphalt-based materials, as the primary road construction materials, have seen continuous performance enhancements with the evolving demands and technological advancements. However, how to better adapt to the desires of the next-generation intelligent road infrastructure for high efficiency, long-lasting structures, all-time safety, and comfortable travel; how to achieve low-carbon, durable, and intelligent development through timely revolutionary upgrades; and how to utilize new technologies like artificial intelligence and big data to achieve accurate optimization, prediction, and detection of materials , are pressing new issues in the context of emerging productivity paradigms. This discussion focuses on the "Technological Challenge and Frontiers Exploration in Asphalt and Asphalt Mixtures," discussing topics including the fundamental theoretical innovations, green low-carbon technologies, safety and durability technologies, and novel performance prediction technologies of asphalt and asphalt mixtures. This topic involves interdisciplinary research on road engineering, materials science, chemistry science, computer science, and other fields, aiming to facilitate continuous innovation and vibrant development in China's asphalt mixture industry. Scholars from relevant fields are warmly welcomed to participate and contribute innovative ideas.
Agenda 1: Conference background, topics, and guest speaker introductions.
Agenda 2: Discussion on "artificial intelligence-driven interpretation and optimization of the performance of asphalt-based materials".
Agenda 3: Discussion on "research and application of next-generation asphalt-based materials for new development needs".
Agenda 4: Summary.
朱兴一 同济大学 交通运输工程学院副院长
Zhu Xingyi, Associate Dean of College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University

孙立军, 同济大学, 教授
Sun Lijun, Professor, Tongji University
吕松涛, 长沙理工大学, 教授
Lv Songtao, Professor, Changsha University of Science&Technology
李峰, 北京航天航空大学, 教授
Li Feng, Professor, Beihang University
朱洪洲, 重庆交通大学, 教授
Zhu Hongzhou, Professor, Chongqing Jiaotong University
徐慧宁, 哈尔滨工业大学, 教授
Xu Huining, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
王大为, 哈尔滨工业大学, 教授
Wang Dawei, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
张裕卿, 东南大学, 教授
Zhang Yuqing, Professor, Southeast University
刘状壮, 长安大学, 教授
Liu Zhuangzhuang, Professor, Changan University
胡明君, 大连理工大学, 副教授
Hu Mingjun, Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology