时间(Time):2024-06-28 12:00 - 13:00
地点(Room):三层大宴会厅6(Grand Ballroom 6, 3F)
议题概述/Topic Overview
This session aims to discuss the key technologies and equipment of the new generation of waterborne transportation systems, including the latest research progress and practical applications in fully automated terminals, new methods of port planning, intelligent ship navigation, unmanned vessel technology, and big data analysis in shipping. The objective is to stimulate research in related fields, encourage technological innovation and application, and facilitate the construction of a modern and intelligent shipping system. This will provide strong support for the planning and development of the next generation of waterborne transportation systems.
Agenda 1: Background and Introduction of the Topics
Agenda 2: Theme Discussion
Agenda 3: Summary
张笛 武汉理工大学 副校长
Zhang Di, Vice-President, Wuhan University of Technology

严新平, 武汉理工大学, 教授/中国工程院院士
Yan Xinping, Professor/Academician of CAE, Wuhan University of Technology
张连钢, 山东省港口集团有限公司, 高级别专家
Zhang Liangang, Senior expert, Shandong Port Group Co., LTD
李浩斌, 新加坡国立大学, 高级讲师/联合主任
Li Haobin, Senior Lecturer/Co-Director, National University of Singapore
陈正勇, 交通运输部规划研究院, 正高级工程师
Chen Zhengyong, MOC Senior engineer, Transport Planning and Research Institute
谢少荣, 上海大学, 教授/院长
Xie Shaorong, Professor/Dean, Shanghai University
马吉林, 中国船级社, 正高级工程师
Ma Jilin, Professor of Engineering, China Classification Society
李培正, 中电科(宁波)海洋电子研究院有限公司, 正高级工程师/总经理
Li Peizheng, Professor of Engineering/ General Manager, China E-Tech(Ningbo)Maritime Electronics Research Institute Co.,Ltd
李清, 交通运输部水运科学研究院, 研究员/副院长
Li Qing, Researcher/Deputy Dean, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute
王新波, 中远海运科技股份有限公司, 董事、总经理
Wang Xinbo, Director and General Manager, COSCO SHIPPING Technology Co., Ltd.
刘福顺, 中国海洋大学, 教授/副院长
Liu Fushun, Professor/Deputy Dean, Ocean University of China
张伟斌, 南京理工大学, 教授
Zhang Weibin, Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
王伟, 河海大学, 教授
Wang Wei, Professor, Hohai University
张新宇, 大连海事大学, 教授
Zhang Xinyu, Professor, Dalian Maritime University
盛进路, 重庆交通大学, 教授/院长
Sheng Jinlu, Professor/Dean, Chongqing Jiaotong University
彭云, 大连理工大学, 副教授
Peng Yun, Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology
万程鹏, 武汉理工大学, 副研究员/副所长
Wan Chengpeng, Associate Professor/Deputy Director, Wuhan University of Technology
陈信强, 上海海事大学, 副教授
Chen Xinqiang, Associate professor, Shanghai Maritime University
王恬妮, 上海海事大学, 讲师
Wang Tianni, Lecturer, Shanghai Maritime University