时间(Time):2024-06-28 16:15 - 17:45
地点(Room):四层会议室2(Room 2, 4F)
专业方向:SS0202航运组织与管理 SS0301港口经济学、政策与管理 SS0404多式联运和海陆一体化运输 SS0502海商法与海事法
议题概述/Topic Overview
This forum will unite the chairs and members of the four disciplines, including water transport organization and management, water transport economy and policy, maritime logistics and supply chain, and maritime technology and law, to discuss the new trends of water transport management and maritime development. Topics will be introduced through 1-2 presentations, and discussions will be held in the form of round tables to propose developing recommendations in water transport related disciplines.
议程1: 议题背景、主要方向介绍。5分钟
Agenda 1: Introduction to the background and main directions of the topic. 5 min.
Agenda 2: 2 presentations to introduce the topic. 30 min.
Agenda 3: Discussions by representatives from the disciplines of Water Transport Organization and Management, Water Transport Economics and Policy, Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain, and Maritime Technology and Law. 30 min.
Agenda 4: Discussions by members of each discipline. 20 minutes
Agenda 5: Summary of the meeting. 5 minutes
上海海事大学 上海海事大学 讲师
上海海事大学, Lecture, 上海海事大学

杨斌, 上海海事大学, 院长
Yang Bin, Dean, Shanghai Maritime University
沈立新, 大连海事大学, 副院长
Shen Lixin, Associate Dean, Dalian Maritime University
陈继红, 深圳大学, 院长
Chen Jihong, Dean, Shenzhen University
李光正, 山东交通学院, 教授
Li Guangzheng, Professor, Shandong Jiaotong University
郑士源, 上海海事大学, 教授
Zheng Shiyuan, Professor, Shanghai Maritime University
贾建伟, 山东交通学院, 主任
Jia Jianwei, Director, Shandong Jiaotong University
陈琼, 集美大学, 讲师
Chen Qiong, Lecture, Jimei University