时间(Time):2024-06-29 10:45 - 12:15
地点(Room):二层202(Room 202, 2F)
议题概述/Topic Overview
The "Integrated Ground-Air-Space Aviation Communication Technology Seminar" aims to discuss the latest developments and applications in integrated aerial and ground aviation communication technologies. The symposium will focus on key technologies in aviation communication, data sharing, and collaborative operation, exploring the enhancement of air traffic control systems through technologies such as big data, digital twins, and artificial intelligence. This event will serve as a platform for experts, scholars, and industry leaders to discuss technological innovations and future trends, promoting the advancement and application of aviation communication technologies.
1. Introduces the background and purpose of the symposium and welcome the participants
2. Discuss on the future trends and challenges in aviation communication technologies
3. Summarize the key points discussed and propose suggestions for future actions.
赵中亮 北京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院 教授
Zhao Zhongliang, Professor, Electronic Information Engineering, Beihang University

杜文博, 北京航空航天大学, 教授
Du Wenbo, Professor, Beihang University
王兴隆, 中国民航大学, 研究员
Wang Xinglong, Researcher, Civil Aviation University of China
管祥民, 中国民航干部管理学院, 副教授
Guan Xiangmin, Associate Professor, China Civil Aviation Cadre Management College
佟路, 北京航空航天大学, 副研究员
Tong Lu, Associate Researcher, Beihang University
朱熙, 北京航空航天大学, 副研究员
Zhu Xi, Associate Researcher, Beihang University
杨朋, 北京航空航天大学, 副教授
Yang Peng, Associate professor, Beihang University
李诚龙, 中国民用航空飞行学院, 副教授
Li Chenglong, Associate Professor, Civil Aviation Flight University of China