时间(Time):2024-06-27 09:00 - 12:00
地点(Room):四层会议室2(Room 2, 4F)
专业方向:JC0101基础设施投融资 JC0102基础设施资产管理 JC0103基础设施韧性分析及管理
议题概述/Topic Overview
The "14th Five-Year Plan" Outline has made specific arrangements for the construction of new infrastructure, while the "National Comprehensive Three-Dimensional Transportation Network Plan Outline" has outlined the ultimate blueprint for future development. However, potential risks such as the unbalanced and inadequate development of China's transportation infrastructure network have also been identified. Intelligent management of transportation infrastructure involves aspects such as operational management, maintenance, facility safety inspection and early warning.
This conference focuses on the new challenges, issues, and methods encountered in the implementation process of intelligent management of infrastructure, and analyzes future development directions. Its aim is to apply scientific theories and methods to enhance the level of intelligent management of infrastructure.
Agenda 1: Background and Introduction to the Topics
Agenda 2: Discussion on the Topic of "New Challenges in Intelligent Infrastructure Management"
Agenda 3: Conference Conclusion
王秋玲 长安大学 副所长
Qiuling Wang, Deputy Director, Chang'an University

王雪松, 同济大学, 道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室副主任
Wang Xuesong, Deputy Director of The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Tongji University
吴建军, 北京交通大学, 《中国公路学报》副主编
Wu Jianjun, Associate-Editor-in-Chief, China Journal of Highway and Transport, Beijing Jiaotong University
马万经, 同济大学, 交通运输工程学院书记
Ma Wanjing, Chairman of College Council, College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University
马勇, 中国公路学报, 编辑部副主任
Ma Yong, Deputy Director of Editorial Department, China Journal of Highway and Transport
马晓磊, 北京航空航天大学, 交通运输部城市轨道交通综合应急技术与装备研发中心副主任
Ma Xiaolei, Deputy Director of Research and Development Center of Comprehensive Emergency Technologies and Equipments of Urban Rail of Ministry of Transport, Beihang University
郭延永, 东南大学, /
Guo Yanyong, /, Southeast University
赵靖, 上海理工大学, 管理学院副院长
Zhao Jing, Vice Dean of Business School, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology
王晨, 东南大学, 国际合作处副处长
Wang Chen, Deputy Division Director of Office of International Cooperation, Southeast University
吴伟, 重庆交通大学, 交通运输学院院长助理
Wu Wei, Assistant Dean of College of Traffic & Transportation, Chongqing Jiaotong University
翁剑成, 北京工业大学, 国际交流合作处副处长
Weng Jiancheng, Deputy Division Director of Office of International Cooperation, Beijing University of Technology
吴建清, 山东大学, 齐鲁交通学院智慧交通系主任
Wu Jianqing, The director of the Department of Intelligent Transportation at the School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong Universit
严亚丹, 郑州大学, 土木工程学院交通工程系副主任
Yan Yadan, The Deputy Director of the Department of Traffic Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University
姚志洪, 西南交通大学, /
Yao Zhihong, /, Southwest Jiaotong University
韩哲, 德州大学奥斯汀分校, 主任
Zhe Han, Director, University of Texas at Austin
程国华, 交通运输部公路科学研究院, 主任
Cheng Guohua, Director, Highway Science Research Institute, Ministry of Transport
李家乐, 河北工业大学, 副教授/副处长
Jerry Li, Associate Professor, Hebei University of Technology
王雪菲, 河北工业大学, 副教授/院长助理
Sophie Wang, Associate Professor, Hebei University of Technology
汪雯娟, 首都经济贸易大学, 副教授
Wang Wenjuan, Associate Professor, Capital University of Ecnomics and Business
余礼苏, 南昌大学, 副教授/副系主任
Lisu Yu, Associate Professor/Deputy Director, Nanchang University
白鹏锐, 山西财经大学, 副教授/主任
BAI Pengrui, Associate Professor/Director, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics