时间(Time):2024-06-29 10:45 - 12:15
地点(Room):二层207(Room 207, 2F)
议题概述/Topic Overview
本次学术交流研讨会由Communications in Transportation Research期刊编辑部和浙江省城市治理研究中心联合主办。本次学术交流研讨会旨在探讨交通研究领域的新视角与挑战,重点讨论最新的研究进展和实际应用。我们期望通过本次会议,汇集各方专家学者的智慧与见解,共同交流探讨,以推动交通领域的科技创新和可持续发展。会议将涵盖从理论研究到政策制定的多个方面,旨在为未来交通系统的发展提供科学的指导和参考。
This academic symposium is jointly organized by the editorial office of Communications in Transportation Research and Hangzhou International Urbanology Research Center.This academic symposium aims to explore new perspectives and challenges in the field of transportation research, focusing on the latest research developments and practical applications. The event seeks to bring together the expertise and insights of scholars from various disciplines to foster discussions and collaborations that will drive technological innovation and sustainable development in transportation. The symposium will cover multiple aspects from theoretical research to policy formulation, aiming to provide scientific guidance and reference for the development of future transportation systems.
议程3:《Communications in Transportation Research》期刊介绍
议程4: 浙江省城市治理研究中心简介
Agenda 1: Background and Introduction of the Topics
Agenda 2: Discussion on Theoretical and Practical Perspectives in Transportation Research
Agenda 3: Introduction to the "Communications in Transportation Research" Journal
Agenda4: Introduction to Hangzhou International Urbanology Research Center
Agenda5: Conclusion and Future Outlook
刘洋 瑞典查尔莫斯理工大学 研究助理教授
Yang Liu, Research Assistant Professior, Chalmers University of Technology

蒲自源, 东南大学, 教授
Ziyuan Pu, Professior, Southeast university
李深, 清华大学, 助理研究员
Li Shen, Research Associate, Tsinghua University
许敏, 香港理工大学, 副教授
Xu Min, Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
柯锦涛, 香港大学, 助理研究员
Ke Jintao, Assistant Professor, The University of Hong Kong
林泓熠, 清华大学, 博士生
Lin Hongyi, PhD student, Tsinghua University
刘佳卉, 清华大学, 博士生
Liu Jiahui, PhD student, Tsinghua University
周锴, 清华大学, 博士生
Zhou Kai, PhD student, Tsinghua University
邱瀚仪, 清华大学, 博士生
Qiu Hanyi, PhD student, Tsinghua University