时间(Time):2024-06-28 16:15 - 17:45
地点(Room):二层209(Room 209, 2F)
议题概述/Topic Overview

Legal Regulations and Key Issues in the Technological Transformation of Intelligent Connected Traffic Systems

With the rapid advancement of Intelligent Connected Traffic Systems (ICTS) technology, its potential in enhancing road safety, optimizing traffic management, and reducing environmental pollution is significant. However, technological progress also poses challenges to the legal and regulatory framework, including key issues such as data privacy protection, liability attribution for autonomous driving, and cybersecurity prevention. The purpose of this topic is to explore the legal and regulatory framework surrounding the technological transformation of ICTS, analyze the adaptability of the current legal system, discuss the direction for future policy development, and facilitate communication and cooperation within the industry to jointly promote the healthy development of intelligent transportation systems.
议程一:会议背景及议题介绍 - 开始环节将介绍会议目的和议题的重要性,为参与者提供讨论的背景信息。

议程二:关键问题阐述 - 行业专家将就数据隐私保护、自动驾驶责任归属、网络安全等关键问题进行演讲。

议程三:圆桌讨论 - 邀请行业专家、法律学者和技术领导者进行小组讨论,探讨潜在的解决方案和策略。

议程四:法规框架分析 - 深入分析当前法规框架及其对智能网联交通系统的影响。

议程五:分组讨论 - 参与者将分成小组,更集中地讨论议题的具体方面。

议程六:汇报与综合 - 分组讨论后,各小组将汇报讨论结果,并对集体见解进行综合。

议程七:建议与未来方向 - 根据讨论情况,制定针对政策制定者和行业从业者的建议。

议程八:交流与会议总结 - 会议以交流环节结束,促进与会者之间的合作,并由组织者进行总结发言。
Agenda 1: Introduction to the Meeting and Topic - This segment will set the stage by providing an overview of the meeting's purpose and the importance of the topic.

Agenda 2: Presentation of Key Issues - Experts will present on the identified legal and regulatory challenges, including data privacy, liability in autonomous driving, and cybersecurity.

Agenda 3: Panel Discussion - A panel of industry experts, legal scholars, and technology leaders will engage in a discussion to explore potential solutions and strategies.

Agenda 4: Regulatory Framework Analysis - This section will involve an in-depth analysis of the current regulatory landscape and its implications for ICTS.

Agenda 5: Breakout Sessions - Participants will break into smaller groups to discuss specific aspects of the topic in a more focused setting.

Agenda 6: Report Back and Synthesis - Each breakout group will report their findings, followed by a synthesis of the collective insights.

Agenda 7: Recommendations and Way Forward - Based on the discussions, the group will draft recommendations for policymakers and industry practitioners.

Agenda 8: Networking and Closing Remarks - The meeting will conclude with a networking session to foster collaboration and close with final remarks from the organizers.
张健 东南大学 教授
Zhang Jian, Professor, Southeast University

陈峻, 东南大学, 院长
CHEN Jun, Dean, Southeast University
程龙, 东南大学, 副研究员
CHENG Long, Associate Professor, Southeast University
施晓蒙, 东南大学, 讲师
Shi Xiaomeng, Assitant Professor, Southeast University
李锐, 河海大学, 教授/系主任
Li Rui, Professor/Dean, Hohai University
柏璐, 东南大学, 副研究员
Bai Lu, Associate Professor, Southeast University
李深, 清华大学, 助理研究员
LI Shen, Assitant Professor, Tsinghua University
姚志洪, 西南交通大学, 副教授
YAO Zhihong, Associate Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University
王建, 东南大学, 教授
Wang Jian, Professor, Southeast University
叶茂, 南京理工大学, 副教授
Ye Mao, Associate professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
付豪, 北京交通大学, 高聘副教授
Fu Hao, Associate professor, Beijing Jiaotong University
秦严严, 重庆交通大学, 副教授
Qin Yanyan, Associate Professor, Chongqing Jiaotong University