时间(Time):2024-06-28 14:30 - 16:00
地点(Room):四层会议室1-2(Room 1-2, 4F)
专业方向:JT0401智能网联与车路协同控制 JT0403道路网络交通控制
议题概述/Topic Overview
The rapid development of artificial intelligence is substantially changing traditional traffic control systems. Among them, AI can assist traffic management agencies to collect, analyze, and utilize multi-source traffic data more intelligently, and derive more effective traffic control strategies. In addition, the widespread of connected and intelligent vehicles has also provided new means for traffic control. However, how to incorporate artificial intelligence into traffic control is still a huge challenge, as its theoretical interpretability, safety and generalizability still require further discussion and exploration. Therefore, this technical committee session will discuss the new paradigm of traffic control driven by artificial intelligence.
议程1: 会议背景及议题介绍
议程2: 特邀嘉宾分享
Agenda1: Introduction
Agenda2: Invited talks
Agenda3: Discussion on Generative AI and traffic control
俞春辉 同济大学交通运输工程学院 副教授
Yu Chunhui, Associate Professor, Tongji University

马万经, 同济大学, 党委书记
Ma Wanjing, Dean, Tongji University
赵靖, 上海理工大学, 教授
Zhao Jing, Professor, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
王伟, 坎特伯雷大学, 助理教授
Wong Wai, Assistant Professor, University of Cantebury
韩雨, 东南大学, 副教授
Han Yu, Associate Professor, Southeast University
韩雨, 东南大学, 副教授
Han Yu, Associate Professor, Southeast University
俞春辉, 同济大学, 副教授
Yu Chunhui, Associate Professor, Tongji University
马玮, 香港理工大学, 助理教授
Ma Wei, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
陈灿, 香港理工大学, Postdoctoral Fellow
Chen Can, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
苏子诚, 同济大学, 研究员
SU Zicheng, Researcher, Tongji University
李璨, 同济大学, 研究员
Li Can, Researcher, Tongji University